GLM Parallax and Lightning Cast Fun

The GLM data, specifically the FED data, was used to provide DSS to the Riverfest in La Crosse, WI.  After my first contact with the event POC, I noticed that the FED data was off by roughly a county from the ground-based lightning data.  This was my first time witnessing the parallax issue from the GLM and why ground-based lightning networks are a key component in confirming that the GLM location is accurate. In Figure 1, notice the intense concentration of the lightning just southwest of the event (20 mile and 5 mile radius rings) depicted by the GLM while the ENTLN/NLDN say that concentration is about a county south.   The parallax is evident in other lightning concentrations in and around the event circle.  I know it’s something being worked on to have the GLM data corrected to avoid this parallax issue, but it would be nice to have a map of the locations where the parallax is more evident in case you may not need the corrected version. Obviously, the further north, the larger the parallax, but not quite sure at what latitudes it really starts to show its hand. On a side note, for aviation purposes, the parallax could become problematic if the GLM lightning data is off by a factor of a county or two, especially if re-routing aircraft is occurring.

Figure 1: GLM Flash Extent Density compared with ENTLN data on June 15, 2022.

Figure 2: FED and ENTLN animation showing the GLM parallax.

I utilized the Lightning Cast to provide a probable end time of the lightning threat for the Riverfest event in La Crosse, WI.  This was a valuable tool as it provided some added confidence when the storms would exit the event area.  I did my best to line up the TOA tool with the 25 percentile contour. Once I got my estimated time that the end of the lightning threat would reach the event, then I added about 30 minutes to ensure it was well east of the event circle.


GLM and ProbSevere – Day 2

Utilizing the GLM data for DSS and severe weather operations is vital in providing timely and quality information to our partners and the public.  In this instance on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, we were monitoring storms near a DSS event (baseball tournament) located in Panama City Beach, FL.  You can see the location marked as Home on the following animations.  Two main forecast concerns, isolated convection along the beach due to the sea breeze and a line of storms moving south west out of SE Georgia into northern Florida heading toward the DSS event.

The first, and most imminent concern, was focused on the isolated storms developing along the sea breeze front throughout the FL Panhandle. The main threat with these isolated storms was lightning and brief heavy rain.  Utilizing Day Cloud Phase Distinction RGB overlaid with GLM Flash Extent Density, Minimum Flash Area, and Total Optical Energy was used for the DSS provided.  A line of CU developed to the east of the event moving westward.  Again, the main concern was with lightning but certainly with the amount of instability (DCAPE present), downbursts could pose a threat as well.   Utilizing the GLM data, they were able to contact the event POC to notify them of the lightning threat to the east and if held together could reach the 10 mile radius within next 1-2 hours (21-22z).  What helped with the lightning briefing was the short intensity shown on the TOE and MFA within that storm to the east of Home. It quickly weakened and we were able to notify the event coordinator of this information providing them with further confidence to not have to evacuate their facility during the tournament.

The second concern for the event was the line of storms to the northeast in GA/northern FL moving southwest toward the event.  The great news about this storm was the very very slow movement southwest.  Thus, the threat of lightning and gusty winds would hold off for a considerable time frame.

– Podium

LightningCast/NUCAPS and Isolated to Scattered Convection in FGF

Convection developed rapidly to the south of the main area of convection in an area of high instability. This was first picked up by higher probabilities in the LightningCast data. There was some rapid cumulus development that was picked up well by the algorithm. Probabilities went well above 75% around 5 minutes or so from the first GLM detection. NUCAPs data indicated MLCAPEs of around 2000 J/Kg in this area supporting the quick upscale growth.

Convection developed rapidly to the south of the main area of convection in an area of high instability. This was first picked up by higher probabilities in the LightningCast data. There was some rapid cumulus development that was picked up well by the algorithm. Probabilities went well above 75% around 5 minutes or so from the first GLM detection. NUCAPs data indicated MLCAPEs of around 2000 J/Kg in this area supporting the quick upscale growth.

LightningCast and GLM at 2131 UTC

DCP RGB and LightningCast  2131 UTC

MRMS -10 Reflectivity and LightningCast first GLM detection at 2135 UTC

So let’s take a look at some NUCAPS soundings as we had three overpasses right before the convection initiated in the above examples.  Here is the first overpass with the sounding point selected with the red arrow:

NUCAPS Sounding at 1823 Z

Not too shabby with a MLCAPE value of 2094 J/kg.  (And why mixed-layer? Hank likes ML because very few times do parcels start at the surface for SB, and MUCAPE is just fun to look at).

The next overpass was 2003 UTC (about an hour and a half after the previous overpass) to see if the environment has changed much:

MLCAPE of 1235.  Hmmmm…that’s quite a drop in MLCAPE compared to previous overpass.  Two things to remember; this is on the edge of the field-of-view (matter of fact, the eastern edge).  Luckily we have a Modified NUCAPS for the same profile point which adjusts the boundary layer:

Yeah, that looks much more reasonable based on observational trends (few clouds to change the mid-atmospheric profile, increasing surface T/Td conditions) with 2185 J/kg MLCAPE.  But wait, there’s more!  We also have a:


This was almost directly under NADIR so we should have much better profile retrieval.  Sure enough, MLCAPE value is almost 3000 J/kg in between the 1823 and 2003 UTC NOAA-20 sounding retrievals.

How does this all tie into the weather for FGF today?  This is what the SPC Mesoanalysis graphics had for 2100 UTC MLCAPE values:

They all combine to increase confidence on what conditions COULD be in areas where the models are saying one thing and an observational system is indicating potential reality (remember, it’s still a remote sensing platform with their own set of issues). In our case, the bulls-eye of 3000 J/kg in east central Minnesota is likely real and needs to be an area to watch…and that is where the Lightning Cast product at the start of our post indicated the potential for new activity to develop.  Pretty cool stuff…

– Marty McFly/Hank Pym

Where is the new convection going up?

The GLM can be used to help find where new convection is developing under a cirrus canopy.  Here’s an example of this!

Top left – LightningCast with Day Land Cloud Convection and Flash Extent Density (FED).  Top Right is Minimum Flash Area (MFA). Bottom left is MRMS 1km Reflectivity.

We can see that there are some returns developing in the center of the field of view on the MRMS reflectivity but it is hard to tell whether this is real or not.  Five minutes later, we have this image:

Hmm, that could be new convection developing on the Top Left panel because it looks like there is a tower coming through the cirrus shield.

And then the next frame we have:

And there we go!  Flashes starting to show up so it looks like this area of convection will need to be watched.  (Should also note that it would also be helpful to time match to the GLM 1-minute FED instead of the 5-minute RGB!)

-Hank Pym

Metwatch for Wilmington DSS event

Metwatch for Wilmington NC started with modified NUCAPS soundings and a comparison with NAM BUFKIT profiles:

Looking at 700mb temperatures, BUFKIT has about 8C for that layer, and here is the gridded NUCAPS 700mb temperature layer. Note: not a lot of advection noted at 700mb, with low level dry advection (not shown)

Watching this cell just outside the CWA pulse and then fall apart…PWV3 never exceeds 4% with this pulse. LightingCast also showed a rapid drop in probabilities.

Not much happened today, but just along the coast was this little area of enhanced CAPE (3000j/kg)…so you’re saying there’s a chance…

Comparison between parallax corrected and uncorrected lightning cast. You can see the image above and to the right (corrected) has some higher percentages getting into the 20 mi range ring compared to the non corrected data which just has the 25% grazing the 20 mi range ring. Having the corrected data could be more beneficial to providing DSS support.

– Mr. Bean

– Noctilucent

LBF HWT Blog Day 4

We didn’t have too many storms occur during operations today, but that allowed us to be able to focus more on CI.

LightningCast for CI

Was able to use LightningCast for convective initiation today as LBF was waiting for storms to fire back up for the afternoon and evening. Initially we were thinking storms would form first over the southern portion of the CWA based off of modeled convective parameters but at 2101Z, a 25% chance of lightning popped up via LC for the north-central portion of the forecast area. This 25% contour appeared a few minutes before radar reflectivity started showing up for the same area. Seeing even the 10% contour show up earlier on, clued me into the fact that we needed to shift our focus further north than we originally thought. These storms seemed to be forming along a shear gradient and weak boundary.
Of note, I am using the parallax corrected LC.
LC, GLM FED, and DCPD at 2100Z
LBF radar at 2109Z
By 2116Z, both GLM and ENTLN showed the first flash of lightning, allowing for around 15 minutes of lead time off of the 25% contour.
For comparison, these storms were forming ahead of the highest PHS CAPE and ahead of any of its stronger gradients.
As our day was winding down, LC continued to indicate areas to watch before it showed up on radar, but I did not grab additional images.


Tried to compare NUCAPS soundings today as we did have an overlap, but unfortunately ran into technical issues within my CAVE so was not able to do much with it. Another limiting factor was that the only “green” soundings from Aqua within our CWA fell within the far western scans which we were told by one of the developers they would next expect good data from, being on the limb. But for comparison, here are Aqua (1911Z) and NOAA-20 (1953Z) sounding from points NW of North Platte.
Points selected were both NW of the town of North Platte, circled below. The NE point of the two is Aqua and SW point is NOAA-20
– Matador

ILN HWT Blog Day 3


Did finally get a chance to check out NUCAPS for today’s case as the timing and location of the data was more compatible. It was good info ahead of the storms as it showed the low LCL values (mainly noticed in the modified soundings), below 1000 ft which is what you want to see for potential tornadoes. Overall, liked getting to dig into the NUCAP soundings, but given the finicky timing and data quality, it’s not something I could use on a regular basis for warning operations. Would be better suited for short term forecasting or possibly as the mesoanalyst.

GLM & LightningCast

For GLM, I set the max value at 130. I originally set it to 65 as I had been using in the high plains the past few days, but for these midwest storms it seemed too sensitive. 130 was a good value for today, likely because of the larger and more numerous storms than I dealt with today versus the previous days.
Also tried out the parallax corrected LightningCast today. Liked that it gave a more accurate location when using it for a specific location such as today’s DSS event. While it was made to pair with radar, it was still useful when using it with satellite products – just had to take a few seconds to make the mental adjustments at the beginning.


Prior to entering the ILN CWA, the PHS STP showed an area of high STP values in and near Rush County, Indiana. The actual IND office did issue a tor warning for this area at 4 PM ET.
Over time, I did notice that for STP, really just the current hour and the next couple of hours were useful. Jumping to 3 or 4 hours ahead it seemed that the data was missing for areas I expected to see higher values. Once the next run came in and I went back and looked, the data was much better. For an example below, there was a vast difference for 21Z between the 18Z run and the 20Z run where the 18Z run for that time did not seem realistic but the 20Z run was more what I expected to see.
08.18 run for 21Z


After talking with one of the ProbSevere people, was able to learn that the threshold for ProbTor is lower than that for Wind or Hail. For training purposes, it would be good to include this information to give a mental threshold for forecasters, such as an ongoing tornado would likely see a max of around 60% for ProbTor. It makes sense that the probs would be lower for tors just as they are for SPC outlooks where the tor percentages are also lower than that for wind or hail.
– Matador

GLM maxFED Comparisons


NUCAPS Sounding (IND 06/08/2022 2019 UTC)

Lowering maxFED values effectively highlights the area of strongest thunderstorm activity as seen in this example. This makes the strongest two thunderstorms (circled) more distinguishable from other thunderstorms, especially on the northern circled thunderstorm. It should be noted that this may be even more effective during the initiation to nearing maturity stages. Once a storm reaches full maturity, FED signal may be much higher.

– 2%hatched

Two Storms GOES 16 v 17

Being on the western edge in the North Platte County Warning area we did a comparison versus GOES 16 and 17 with the GLM Flash Extent Density. At first there wasn’t much of a difference, but when storms started to ramp up more and we had a decent eastern and western storm there was a difference.

As you can see our eastern storm shows up better on GOES 16 and not as good on GOES 17. Meanwhile the western storm there is a much greater difference in the Flash Extent Density (and Total Optical Energy) on GOES 17. This matches with what was stated at the initial discussion this morning that GOES 17 may work better with western storms.


Northeast Colorado Supercells

Nowcasting Supercell storm entering CWA: The loop of instability and SigTor highlight the southeast/south central CWA east of Colorado Spring, ahead of an already ongoing storm. North of this storm an environment of favorable instability exists up to about the latitude of Denver, with a significant drop off to the north.

When it comes to high and northern plains – parallax becomes an issue. In this case lighting was occurring just on the other side of the border with the CWA, so here are the two LightningCasts (with/without parallax correction) for comparison:

ProbSevere v3 increases correlating to entering a favorable environment

PHI localized CAPE corridor

New area of MFA suggesting spitting storm with new updraft core of the established cell. (1950 UTC)

Storm cell split denoted by MFA with two distinct areas of MFA in upper right panel. (2000 UTC)

Focused on the cell east of Denver – this cell and subsequent others that developed are in the favorable area of instability. Just to the north of Boulder we spotted a few cells that attempted to develop, however in the lower instability environment movement off the higher terrain resulted in these cells falling apart. Through the rest of the afternoon this area remained convection free.

Sig Tor blip. A SRVE like feature was observed but at this time convergence associated with this feature wasn’t favorably located under the updraft.

Cell developing east of Denver, noted by the MFA  in the upper right panel. (2020 UTC)

Cell rapidly develops in an area of localized higher instability denoted by the PHS values discussed earlier on.(2034 UTC)

The LightningCast has identified the left turning nature of the storm(s) east of Denver

An interesting note was comparing the differences between GOES East (left panel) and GOES West (right panel). These subtle differences can  be effective in analyzing the strengthening of a thunderstorm.

In the middle of METWATCH – NUCAPS became available (about 1 hour latency). The sounding below is a modified NUCAPS profile, depicting the environment in which our storms developed. Storm mode was supercellular with frequent spitting of cells.

-Mr. Bean
