I’ve seen some great promise from the low level az shear this week so far. One thing that I do not like about the default product is that it has a lot of noise/extra info in it that tends to clutter up your screen. An idea that I had was to filter more of the noise by making a large portion of the scale transparent. Take a glance at the velocity field and see how it matches up with the AZ shear extremes.

Another advantage I could see with only displaying the “extremes” would be the ability to include velocity data underneath the image. This can be especially useful since the MRMS data is feeding the AZ Shear. Why? Well the velocity couplet you are examining is likely to progress a bit “faster” using the baseline radar data rather than MRMS, so they likely will be right next to each other.

Other thoughts I have had going this route is possibly changing the “red” side of the color scale to something other than red so that it doesn’t match the color scale used by velocity data on radar. I did like a “yellow” scale as it did not largely conflict with the color scales expressed by the velocity data.

As a whole I think this product has some great potential at drawing your attention to portions of the storm very quickly.
South Beach