This is a 4-panel display that I find very useful with respect to hail potential monitoring in a convective environment. By incorporating Prob-Hail and/or GLM, along with MRMS Isothermal reflectivity, a forecaster can really get a good feel for hail potential within cells. Due to up to 2 minute latency within MRMS products, would not recommend as a substitute for All-Tilts methodology, but certainly could be used for situational awareness.
Top Left: MRMS_1000 0.5 km MSL Isotherm Reflectivity at 0*C
Top Right: MRMS_1000 0.5 km MSL Isotherm Reflectivity at -10*C with blinking ENTLN C-G and C-C Flashes (Could substitute GLM data here also).
Bottom Left: MRMS_1000 0.5 km MSL Isotherm Reflectivity at -10*C with ProbHail Model output
Bottom Right: MRMS VII or legacy VIL.
————————————————————————————————— Mountain Bone