Daily Summary – 2012 May 14

We started today in Wilmington, NC and San Antonio, TX.  However the CI products were having issues with dense high clouds in NC and we subsequently shifted focus to Melbourne, FL to track convection approaching Orlando.  As we shifted, two supercells formed near Myrtle Beach, SC.  We were initially frustrated but a new tornado warning was issued west of Palm Beach, and the far southern county of Melbourne’s CWA.  Unfortunately the storm evolved into a nonsevere state before we shifted localizations there.  Meanwhile strong supercells developed west of Del Rio and tracked southeast on the Mexican side of the border.  As the thunderstorms grew upscale in Mexico  a spectacular haboob evolved that caused the UAH CI product to track a few cold pixels.  Some were cumulus above the haboob while one of the tracks may have been triggered by the dust as it swept over a mountain range or by a cumulus cloud.  Elsewhere, storms north of San Antonio were too weak to issue warnings.

Thus with the lack of warnings, the teams concentrated on inspecting the products and writing blog entries.

Jim LaDue, EWP2012 Week#2 Weekly Coordinator

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