SRSO and Overshooting Top Stationary in PA=FFW

SRSO shows several things. First the overshooting top in PA was nearly stationary, anchored to the terrain by the southerly inflow impinging on the inflection point in the Appalachians. Dual Pol radar estimates up to 3.5″ rainfall there near Harrisburg, PA and a Flash Flood warning was issued for the area. A couple of the overshooting tops including this one were caught by the algorithm (denoted by the red grids in the visible imagery)  but one to the northeast was not as seen by visible imagery.  Also of note in the SRSO were the north south cloud streets in MD and the Chesapeake Bay breeze front just east of KBWI with cooler temps in the 70s and lack of clouds over the Bay into southeast PA. MrSnow/Wacha



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CI Product

Just taking a quick glance across the SE portion of our CWA…

We noticed a few probabilities for CI early (50-60% max), but once the anvils from the storms to the west moved eastward, the model was not able to make any predictions.

CIcirrus1930 CIcirrus2030 CIcirrus2115

-Shasta & Brick

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Severe Probability along a line

One thing I noticed as the individual storm cells began to merge is the merging of the NOAA/CIMMS Probability of Severe product. While this does make some sense as the convective mode becomes linear… the problem I see is the sample gives characteristics for the entire line. Some of the sampled values make sense (Env. MUCAPE, Env. EBShear, etc…) but for something like the MESH value, I think it could be misleading. Instead, I would like the Severe Probability product to follow the stronger cells embedded in the line, thus breaking up the numbers some.



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No Products

ProbSevere was fairly high for this cell in our western CWA.


Lightning is diffuse and little VIL.  Would think this product (PS) would work better for cells distant from the radar, but in this case not sure.  No reports.


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Another SPS

Cell with little Probsevere, but steady velocity signal coming toward OHX 88D.  Thinking some of these winds could mix down, but earlier cells may have stablilized the low levels some.ANOTHERSPSsps_velocity

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Warning Issued. Wind damage observed.

At 2026 UTC 8 June 2015 issued warning based reflectivity core aloft 50 dBZ up to the upper 30s Kft.  Afterwards the NOAA/CIMSS Severe prob went up to 92% as seen in the image below.  Wind Damage was reported at 2024 UTC in Washington county, MD. Wacha/MrSnow


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Looking at Lightning Jump

We’ve got a lot of action going on across our CWA this afternoon, and most of the storms have had at least a 1 sigma lightning jump. Some of them have had a significant jump, up to 7 sigs.

One cell we were tracking (eventually turning more linear) was moving across Perry Co, PA. We spotted an 80 flash/min jump (from 20-100) in 10 minutes.


This area did receive reports of a tree down (~1950z) and pea-sized hail (~1950z) just before that huge jump. There was still a smaller jump taking place at that time (from 10-20/min over 10 minutes).

1950radarPerry 2005radarPerry

We did notice there were some tracking issues in terms of cells merging and determining a jump. We account this to the amount and speed of convection in our area. Visual jumps were spotted on the time series graph, but it did not show well on the LJDA map.

celldetection2004 LJDA2004


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NUCAPS compared to Observed IAD sounding

18 UTC NUCAPS sounding near IAD, modified for IAD surface data showing 2200 J/kg when compared to 900 J/kg in the observed IAD 18 UTC sounding. The observed sounding also shows an elevated mixed layer and capping near 825 mb which is not seen in the NUCAPS sounding. MrSnow/Wacha

nucaps.18z.08  IADsounding18z_6-8-2015

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