Today, we started operations in the Memphis (TN), Huntsville (AL), and Tulsa (OK) county warning areas.
In the first two CWAs, an ongoing mesoscale convective system prompted several experimental warnings. Forecasters Steve Nelson and Ty Judd operated in the Memphis CWA; in this CWA, the primary experimental platform was the 3DVAR system. Forecasters Randy Skov and Jeff Garmon operated in Huntsville, AL, where their primary experimental platform was the Lightning Mapping Array.
In Tulsa, forecasters Mike Dutton and Tim Tinsley evaluated the convective initiation (CI) products. Unfortunately, CI never occurred. This prompted a move to the San Angelo (TX) CWA, where ongoing multicellular convection allowed for an evaluation of the OUN WRF, in addition to the 3DVAR and base radar products. Several warnings were issued, but with little verification (presumably, owing to the sparse population of west Texas).
Shortly thereafter, convection exited the Memphis CWA prompting a move of those forecasters to the Jackson (MS) CWA. Several warnings were issued for storms within the original mesoscale convective system. The Jackson forecasters continued to evaluate the 3DVAR products, in addition to the base radar products.
Finally, convection in the Huntsville CWA diminished to the extent that a switch was in order. The decision was made to transfer the Huntsville forecasters to Birmingham, to follow the convection that they had monitored in the Huntsville CWA.
-G. Garfield, Week 5 Coordinator