Octane Speed and GLM Act as Nudgers for west central Elko County Severe Warning

Octane Speed and GLM Act as Nudgers for west central Elko County Severe Warning

The Octane speed sandwich product highlighted a minimum in velocity in a rapidly developing thunderstorm across west central Elko County, NV, an indicator of strong outflow in the anvil on upwind side of the developing cell. An analysis of 1-minute GLM data also indicated a rapid increase in flashes for the same storm. These indicators acted as strong nudgers for the severe thunderstorm warning decision making process.

Octane Speed Sandwich indicates explosive convective development in west central Elko County. 2027Z to 2054Z

Visible satellite imagery coupled with 1-minute GLM depict rapid increase in lightning in west central Elko County. 2012Z to 2054ZTest

– Rain-Free Bass Guitar

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