Southeastward moving cold front and extreme CAPE with marginal supercell deep layer shear will allow for central OK EWP activities to commence.
Convective initiated near 2230 z near Fairview to Deer Creek. V2 crew is near Fairview.
We’ve got three projects to run: LMA and PAR to begin then as convection approaches the CASA network, we’ll go to PAR and CASA.
2315z: PAR showing very fine TBSS near Okeene, mainly elevated core. MESH is 1.25″
2330z: Big core dump observed to fall in cross-section from PAR near eastern Major County.
2341z: LMA showing big ramp-up in LTG on segment in northern Blaine county.
2349z: Strong LL rotation on Kay county border.
2350z: video of big funnel embedded in meso in Kay county storm. Likely tornado. PAR shows evolution nicely.
2351z: Fay, THomas storm showed sizeable increase in LTG in LMA.
0001z: Garfield county storm looks imminent tornadic on PAR and KVNX.
0009z: PAR sector moved to southwest end of storms.
0017z: Billings circulation increasing. Pam suggests going to supercell VCP on PAR. Anchor storm near Thomas is getting circulation. V2 is on it but a bit too far northeast.
0021z: Billings circulations, 2 of them, tighter one southwest of Billings. LMA catching recycling over Billings.
0023z: PAR team will now issue TORs, LMA team will issue SVRs.
0026z: DOWs just saw shear get down to the ground on anchor storm west of Geary.
0031z: Circulation driven by strong RFD near Billings with circulation visible in lowering. Watonga storm (Geary storm) filled in with precip and new storms forming on its southwest side.
0046z: Moving PAR sector 10 deg to the south to catch anchor storm crossing I-40 west of Hinton. In NOble county LMA VLMA increased before MESH increased. Increased confidence in severe warning.
0055z: Possible LTG hole in VLMA in Blaine county storm. It’s colocated with meso and BWER.
0105z: VLMA is highest of the day for Canadian county with evidence of a lightning hole near the elevated meso.
0112z: PAR noted rear inflow notch onset 0110z. POssible new product idea for LMA: LMA level -20C product to match radar layer reflectivity at -20, -10, 0 C.
0157z: Look for storm top divergence on the PAR. It was up to 240kts over the last 20 min from KTLX over Guthrie.
0201z: Mode of southwestern storm is changing, beginning to bow more to the southeast with new cells growing to the east.
0213z: CASA fully engaged in southwestern storm complex. They’re seeing circulations not seen before on 88D.
0220z: CASA showing circulation via velocity and rotating rain bands going around the notch near Gracemont.
0223z: CASA showing reflectivity hole near circulation in Gracemont.
0232z: CASA showing multi-vortices just south of Gracemont both in reflectivity holes and velocity centers. PAR showing northern storm backbuilding south on I-35 into Edmund. Transient TVSs observed. They’re lasting around 10 min and we’re getting 8 or so volume scans to sample them.
0249z: CASA showing weakening circulatoin. BTW, 3DVAR showed circulation at least 1km wide south of Gracemont. New intense push of outflow north of KGYR may result in new LLmeso. Meanwhile northern storm is backbuilding over the city.
0253z: VLMA showing a burst over OKC in last 5 min.
0256z: OUN chat sais circulation SE of Anadarko but PAR showing strengthening. CASA Chickasha radar showing precip wrapping around center.
0309z: TOR warning for us. Hook echo on PAR near OKC airport with convergence along the RFD but no vortex yet.
0409z: TOR warned storm for Cleveland county showed small circulations forming on leading RFD edge from Stanley Draper to the north arm of Lake T-bird. Now the storm is dying as new convection forms under the anvil of the western activity and to our south.
Jim LaDue (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 11 – 15 May 2009)