Live Blog – 7 May 2009 (5:42 pm)

There was a choice between two areas IOP domain, based on the SPC Day 1 Convective Outlook:  Slight risk in NE KS, NW MO, and SE NE vs using the same Carolina domain from the previous two days.   The choice was to go with the Plains domain based on better shear and the fact that an MD and TOR watch were issued by the end of the briefing.

Initial plans were to start the IOP initially, followed by a PAR/CASA playback to start at 6:30.  Technical difficulties with AWIPS/LDAD prevented the IOP from starting on time.  In addition severe weather did not occur in the IOP domain while troubleshooting occured.  So, we decided to do the PAR/CASA playback first and then do the IOP later.

Because of the AWIPS issues, the IOP will be conducted in a group format with a live blog documenting the forecasters’ warning decisions.

Dale Morris (EWP Backup Weekly Coordinator, 4-8 May 2009)

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