This Site is Under Construction…

During the final weeks before operations, we are working hard to get all the hardware, software, and manuals ready for the spring experiment.

Here are Paul Griffin and Brian Schmidt finishing the installation of the Situation Awareness Display (SAD) The SAD will consist of 7 large LCD monitors that will provide images from any of the other EWP computer monitors, as well as live television, web page content, etc. These LCD monitors will be mounted above the desks in two areas of the HWT. This picture shows the main part of the SAD, our 5 monitor tower, located on the west side of the HWT operations area.

Greg Stumpf (EWP Operations Coordinator)

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We begin our first of two shakedown weeks at the EWP on Monday April 14.

The first shakedown week (14-18 April) will be conducted “loosely”, with no set schedule, as we make sure all the technologies and systems are in proper working condition. We’ll also use some of the time to train our weekly coordinators on the various systems.

The second shakedown week (21-25 April) will be conducted in the same manner and using the same schedule as an actual operations week, except with NSSL participants and some of the weekly coordinators only. During the second shakedown week, we will start to post our daily post-mortem blog entries. Watch for them beginning 21 April 2008!

Greg Stumpf (EWP Operations Coordinator)

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Welcome to the EWP Blog

Here is where we will update participants and other interested parties on news and events regarding the 2008 Experimental Warning Program (EWP) spring experiment being hosted at the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed. The experiment will run for six weeks from 28 Apr 2008 through 6 June 2008. Operations will occur every Monday through Thursday of each of the six weeks. Weekly coordinators will provide a daily summary on this blog with some pictures and images of important events worked. An end-of-week blog summary will also be provided, and it will contain feedback from the forecaster participants. In addition, other news and events will be posted to this blog as they occur.

Greg Stumpf (EWP Operations Coordinator)

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