ABQ-S – Great start for CIRA WRF Simulated imagery in Lincoln Co

The simulated IR imagery for the ABQ CWA has initiated well with convection over Lincoln Co developing between 19-20z and the overall cirrus shield over the sw US.

Fcst valid at 13 Jun 20z:

GOES IR 13 Jun1959z:

FDX 0.5 Z 13 Jun 2003z

Will be watching for new convection in eastern Torrence Co and western Guadalupe co by 2100z.

CIRA Sim IR valid at 2100z:

GOES IR 13 Jun 2059z:

FDX 0.5 Z 13 Jun 2103z

CIRA Sim IR valid at 2200z:

GOES IR 13 Jun 2159z:

FDX 0.5 Z 13 Jun 2201z

Overall, CIRA Simulated imagery did very well with convection location and timing.

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