Wanted to make some observations comparing the day and night versions of OCTANE with convection in the KSJT forecast area. This is at about 1837Z.
For the most part, want to compare the speed product (left side) with the storm near Taylor County (bottom left part of the image). The day version is in the top left, and the night version is in the bottom left. There is detail in the day version that does not carry through to the night version. Of note: the anvil-top cirrus (slower motions) do not show up on the night version. Also, the magnitudes of the north and south lobes of higher speeds are muted somewhat on the night version.
Also want to note that the night version of the direction product (bottom right) shows a more significant shift in direction than the day version (top right). This is most evident with the larger shield of clouds over the top right part of the field of view, where more orange colors (about 200deg) are showing up on the northwest flank than in the day version (210deg-220deg). This is also evident somewhat on the storm in the bottom left part of the image.
It was also noted that overshooting tops in the night speed product appear as dark spots, which appears to be related simply to the IR depiction of the storm. This is not a problem, as it draws the eye to the overshooting top / strong updraft.