This example shows a supercell early in its lifecycle. The cell split and produced a tornado near the county boundary in the loop. In past examples, the AzShear product featured numerous time matching issues from multiple radar site’s data. In this case, cell motion was slower, possibly contributing to the less cluttered and more useful AzShear data.
Same loop as above this time with V data. AzShear did anticipate possible tornadogenesis with upticks in values several scans before the tornado. On the bottom left, CPTI is shown for the 175mph threshold. Values for this threshold remained low.
Values readout for the CPTI product on the bottom left at the time of strongest V couplet. Values ranged from 37 for 175 up to 48 for 155, but then did not show much of a change once again between 155mph down to 95 mph. In this range, the probability only rose from 48 to 55 percent between 155 to 95. Then, strangely enough, the prob dropped back down to 53 percent for 80mph.
This later example shows another case of multiple sampling issues with AzShear
-Dusty Davis