Using GREMLIN for Time of Arrival

LightningCast has been running high near the PGA Tournament today near Fort Worth as a result of several thunderstorms around the region, but not over the region. As a result, decided to swap over towards trying to use GREMLIN to find the time of arrival of theĀ boundary noted earlier.

So an attempt was made to highlight this in the DSS image to provide an estimate of when these hazards would arrive. Perhaps another proofread would’ve caught the initial typo from copying it over. However, a value of about 40 percent was noted. Partners still had information that storms would become increasingly likely over a narrower time frame in addition to the probabilistic information from LightningCast.

But nature had other plans with a strike and a few pulses of lightning over the event at the time this was “sent out”. An area of weak convection was in the area, and so I would’ve thought that this would not produce lightning.
Sneaking in information on the RGB evaluation, you can see how this was not a young storm and likely something in decay, and that may track with a bit of the surprise element.


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