OCTANE… the GOAT for Warning Ops Today!

On the warning desk today, I’ve noticed that I have been using OCTANE the most out of the newer tools (besides an adjacent radar). It has really helped with confidence with warning decisions – are the storms maintaining strength… are newer ones growing? The storm in the eastern portion of this loop (below) has been going and going for a handful of hours (originally SVR in our area). OCTANE has kept right along with it and showing its evolution aloft (in both IR and Visible).

Also learning to use the CTP and CTD portion of OCTANE – it’s been helpful to keep track of the newer updrafts (shows up really well to the west with the outflow, but also in the green where there is more anvil/cirrus overflow). Also, it’s been a great tool to see where storms are maintaining strength (where the divergence signature in the pinks/purples hold on).



These products have aided in confidence in warning ops, especially with lack of primary radar.

Forecaster Cumulus

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