Adding Latitude/Longitude on Dashboard May Help Locate Mistaken Entry

While doing DSS for the PGA tournament, there was an instance where we were uncertain whether the dashboard was matching the values on the map. Below, the probability of 1 flash and 10 flashes are shown. Using the sampling tool within the 10 mile range ring, the values never exceeded 50 percent. However, on the dashboard for the PGA Attempt 3, there were values above 70 for a single flash.

Trying to find the reason why, the most likely situation is that the forecaster may have mistyped, either mixing up decimal points in the lat/lon, or swapping two digits around. It may be helpful to be able to go back and edit the entry if that occurs or be able to view the lat/lon point to be certain whether a typo occurred putting in the entry.

In this case it wasn’t a typo – It was parallax!


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