Monitoring Convective Initiation

Convective Initiation along Dryline

We were monitoring convective development along the dryline in northern Nebraska with DSS being provided to a chemical spill across the northern part of the CWA. While most of the initial convective activity remained to the north of our DSS site, additional convective development occurred along a dryline to the south along HWY 83. These storms struggled to maintain updraft intensity and the OCTANE speed and cloud top cooling product was used to monitor the strengthening of these storms. Initial radar data showed spotty convective development, but the OCTANE speed product was particularly useful to show that uniform speed/shear information over the developing convection. None of these storms exhibited any significant divergence aloft and remained nearly steady state for about 20 minutes before weakening. Of note, the PHS and HRRR both showed this area to be void of convection with storms to the north and south. This activity diminished as the sun set. The OCTANE products did increase confidence in our thoughts about further development through the late evening.
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