Getting in Shape

Two aspects for what constitutes operational relevance jump to mind when discussing radar imagery. The first is the shape and the second is the intensity. In the image below a line of storms is moving through central Tennessee. The GREMLIN emulated radar is doing a fine job at showing the location of the convection. Where it is still lacking some usefulness to warning operations is not having high enough DbZ returns. Even so, between the two aspects, I believe GREMLIN is resolving the more operationally useful aspect because we can use the prob-severe tool to infer strength and warn on the meso-scale analysis.


Image one: GREMLIN Emulated Radar on the left and the MRMS composite reflectivity on the right.

Image two: GREMLIN Emulated Radar on the left and the MRMS composite reflectivity on the right later in the event.



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