Rapid Spin-Up over Green Valley

Another example of rapid tornadogenesis on the northern flank of this QLCS. Tight rotation formed rather quickly in between 1240-1245Z just northwest of Green Valley, Maryland. Tornado damage would be reported at 1244Z.

KLWX 4-Panel Z/V/SRM/CC at 1244Z.

At 1242Z, the DivShear image  showed mostly noise with maybe an increased signature in the southeastern portion of Frederick County, Maryland where the tornado circulation would be located. Imporant to note that a TORP object had not been created quite yet, even though we are within a couple minutes of tornadogenesis.

KLWX DivShear at 1242Z.

Very soon after the last image, a TORP object with an 85% probability was created at 1245Z (roughly a minute after the first tornado damage report). Also started to show signs of that clover-type look/signature in the DivShear image. It seems that TORP may sometimes struggle predicting these really quick QLCS-type circulations.

KLWX DivShear at 1245Z.


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