Smoother TORP with Highly Variable Max AzShear

With a storm in close proximity (~20 miles) to the KEAX radar, AzShear had some rather large jumps in maximum values. The data was pretty noisy due to the proximity to the radar, so the rapid change in AzShear makes sense in this case.

After looking at the base velocity data, it looks like to drop off of the max AzShear had to do with range folding or bad radar data close to the radar.  When the range folding affected the couplet pasing to the NNW of the radar, AzShear dramatically dropped off in response.

TORP also displayed various jumps as well in response to the variance in AzShear, but was way more tamed than the AzShear. This is good to see that there is not as much variability in TORP even with the jumps in AzShear as AzShear is the top parameter TORP relies on. This could be confusing if TORP jumps back and forth from 20% and 60% (just throwing out numbers), so it is good to see it’s more smooth than the jumps in AzShear.

-Stormy Surge

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