Utilizing AzShear and Velocity

We’re comparing AzShear to velocity, SRM, and reflectivity data. I started off focusing on the cell with the longest touchdown near the Mississippi Alabama border. If I was forecasting this event real time the AzShear would help to increase my confidence in length of the period the tornado was on the ground. That’s due to the comparison between the AzShear and SRM.

The rotation signature on the SRM alone appears to weaken as the cell gets closer to Alabama.

Meanwhile, the AzShear holds onto a stronger signature longer aligning more with the actual touchdown. In that case it’s more helpful. 

The only difficulty for me is reprogramming my brain to not look at AzShear the same way I look at velocity. I’m accustomed to finding the couplet, and it’s tempting to do the same with the AzShear product.

AzShear was also helpful in analyzing the southernmost cell that was also showing rotation. Since it was farther from the radar site my confidence in a possible tornado was increased due to the max in the AzShear.

It stands out more in comparison to the velocity data. The cell doesn’t have your typical look of a supercell so reflectivity wasn’t as helpful.



Taylor Johnson



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