Day 2 Blog According to Orca

Conditions across MO today are relatively quiet for this time of day.  LAP stability indices are getting elevated (CAPE 2100, TT mid-50s, LIs -6 ish, K 32-35) but the bulls-eye for that  is remaining in eastern KS.   H7-H5 LR remain 6-7 thru midnight, after which will be  appchng 8 thru mid-morn across west central MO.  This is a result of genesis of a shallow SFC Low in West Central MO in early morning hours that drifts across MO thru EOP.   So still forecasting early evening, ISOLD TS across the  MO during that time as TT, LI and CAPE indices are elevated then as well.  VWP indicating weak LL shear at this time.  All thing considered, severe threat is low thru EOP.