Radar imagery f/ KGRK showed rotational low-level organization within the QLCS. While ProbSevere was putting near 80% for the wind threat with and increase to a 9% for a tornado threat. The Merged AzShear product was showing strong 1D pseudo-vorticity in the area of interest and was used to push the SVR warning w/ Tor possible tag up to a Tornado Warning. Immediately after issuing the warning the circulation seemed to fall apart, however, a couple minutes after the warning a report of a wall cloud with a rope tornado came in through the chat. Lead time may have been nill (also due to not having a Text Workstation up yet), but the warning seemed to have verified thanks to the dependency on the AzShear product. With a single-radar AzShear in operations it would have been possible to increase lead time.
Going back and looking at the GLM data showed intensification of the cell which spawned the reported tornado before genesis (or at least before the report). GLM FED shows the previously warned cell to the north fading in strength and the intensifying updraft of the cell to the south that prompted a tornado warning.