QLCS and Single RDA AzShear

The single radar AzShear product continues to show utility in diagnosing storm structure and trends which leads to higher confidence and earlier warning decisions (in addition to the overall SA nature of the product).

In this case you can clearly see the line segment transition from (see captions):

Mainly linear
Starting to see ‘S’ shape develop in a segment of the line in the AzShear enhancements
Now a notch is beginning to develop in the same area in the AzShear product. Probably getting a box drawn up now based on trends in AzShear
The blue’s in the AzShear are starting to fold into the line, and while inbounds are increasing in the V field, the notch isn’t as evident. I’d probably have a warning out now based on AzShear pushing me over the edge.
Outbounds are just starting to appear on the V product while I’m happy I already issued a warning because of AzShear
Thinking about a Tor here based on V data, not sure if I’d issue yet.
Warning for sure based on V at this point.
AzShear increased my confidence in the base products enough to get a warning out 3-5 minutes earlier than if I was just looking at some form of Z/V data.

— FLGatorDon