Starting This Monday – ENTLN Experiment (Week 3)

Monday 4 August 2014 begins the third week of our Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) Experiment.  This experiment is a part of the 2014 NSSL-NWS Experimental Warning Program (EWP2014).

NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters will test how lightning data impacts the warning process during convective events in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed.  In particular, they will utilize Earth Networks’ “Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts” – which may increase forecaster situational awareness and lead times – during a series of warning scenarios in displaced real time.  These events cover the gamut of atmospheric possibilities, ranging from marginally severe to significantly tornadic, and occur over a variety of locations.   The final outcome of this project is to make recommendations on possible product improvements, and determine whether Earth Networks products should become part of the operational product suites available to NWS offices nationally.  The ENTLN Experiment will be conducted in conjunction with Earth Networks and runs from 21 July to 29 August.

For the week of 4 – 8 August, our distinguished NWS guests will be Tom Lonka (Newport, NC),Sam Shamburger (WFO Nashville, TN), and Stephen Keighton (WFO Blacksburg, VA),  If you see these folks walking around the building, please welcome them!   The National Severe Storms Laboratory (via the Sandy Supplemental) has generously provided travel stipends for our participants.

Kristin Calhoun and Darrel Kingfield are the project coordinators.  Our support team also includes Matt ElliottTiffany MeyerDaphne LaDueLans RothfuszChris Karstens, Aaron Anderson, and Gabe Garfield.

You can learn more about the EWP here:

Gabe Garfield

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