Daily Summary: Week 2, Day 4

For the final day of week 2, we operated in the Sterling and Shreveport CWA’s. The folks in the Sterling CWA were able to take advantage of the DC LMA and evaluate the PGLM total lightning and Lightning Jump products. Unfortunately, the lightning activity was quite minor, but they were still able to get a feel for those products. Forecasters in the Shreveport CWA were able to utilize most of the GOES-R products (minus lightning) and the OUN WRF model in forecasting for clear-sky convection in the ARKLATEX region. Though severe weather was not widespread, it was beneficial to evaluate these products in a more marginal clear sky situation.

Tomorrow at noon, this weeks participants will share their experiences from the week via the “Tales from the Testbed” webinar.

– Bill Line, GOES-R SPC/HWT Satellite Liaison and Week 2 EWP Coordinator

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