Monday 5 May 2014 begins the first week of our four-week spring experiment of the 2014 NSSL-NWS Experimental Warning Program (EWP2014) in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed at the National Weather Center in Norman, OK. There will be two primary projects geared toward WFO applications, 1) a test of a Probabilistic Hazards Information (PHI) prototype, as part of the FACETS program and 2) an evaluation of multiple experimental products (formerly referred to as “The Spring Experiment”). The latter project – known as “The Big Experiment” – will have three components including a) an evaluation of multiple CONUS GOES-R convective applications, including satellite and lightning; b) an evaluation of the model performance and forecast utility of two convection-allowing models (the variational Local Analysis Prediction System and the Norman WRF); c) and an evaluation of a new feature tracking tool. We will also be coordinating with and evaluating the Experimental Forecast Program’s probabilistic severe weather outlooks as guidance for our warning operations. Operational activities will take place during the week Monday through Friday.
For the week of 5-9 May, our distinguished NWS guests will be John Keyes (WFO Pocatello, ID), Jared Maples (WFO Grand Rapids, MI), Scott Rudge (WFO Rapid City, SD), Kris White (WFO Huntsville, AL), Bruce Thoren (WFO Norman, OK), and Jonathan Wolfe (WFO Charleston, WV). Additionally, we will be hosting a weather broadcaster to work with the NWS forecasters at the forecast desk. This week, our distinguished guest will be Daniel Bickford of WSPA-TV (Greenville, SC). If you see any of these folks walking around the building with a “NOAA Spring Experiment” visitor tag, please welcome them! The GOES-R program office, the NOAA Global Systems Divisions (GSD), and the National Severe Storms Laboratory have generously provided travel stipends for our participants from NWS forecast offices and television stations nationwide.
Visiting scientists this week will include Steve Goodman (NESDIS), Hongli Jiang (GSD), Paola Salio (Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina), Justin Sieglaff (CIMSS), and Ed Szoke (GSD).
Kristin Calhoun will be the weekly coordinator. Lance VandenBoogart (WDTB) will be our “Tales from the Testbed” Webinar facilitator. Our support team also includes Darrel Kingfield, Gabe Garfield, Bill Line, Chris Karstens, Greg Stumpf, Karen Cooper, Vicki Farmer, Lans Rothfusz, Travis Smith, Aaron Anderson, and David Andra.
Here are several links of interest:
You can learn more about the EWP here:
NOAA employees can access the internal EWP2014 page with their LDAP credentials:
Gabe Garfield
2014 EWP Operations Coordinator