MAF: First warning! :)

First warned storm of the day at MAF over Reeves/Pecos county line. This is on a psuedo-dryline where temps are in the 90s and dewpoints in the 50s with strong ESEly flow. MRMS showed this storm well with 62dBZ at -20C and 1.5 inch MESH.

The CIMMS CTC product also showed significant cooling with this storm as it was developing. The 2215 UTC image overlaid with sfc obs and Vis satellite shows the boundary as well as the significant cloud top cooling (around -28C/15 minutes).

Also noticed a little earlier at 2115 UTC that Ft Stockton/Pecos co airport had 98F/56F with a 11017G24kt wind. The Pecos Municipal airport (KPEQ) had 100F/53F with a 08009kt wind. The CTC was just ramping up at that time with -8C/15min.

This storm is moving very little as new updrafts from on the western flank, but winds aloft are fairly weak this far south. If this storm persists for more than an hour, localized flash flooding could be a big issue.

Randy noted that the 21Z OUNWRF forecast this cell pretty well. Previous runs of the OUNWRF did not show much deep convection this far south.


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