Outlook – 9 June 2010

We had a good discussion regarding last night’s events.  We started off with reviewing the GOES-R verification from CIMSS, actually for operations on the 7th and then the 8th.  We then moved to the MRMS review which prompted a good discussion on the use of divergence fields – particularly storm top divergence.  Chris showed a satellite div/vort field that is being jointly developed by CIMSS and NSSL via Bob Rabin.

As for today’s operations: We had hoped that we could perform realtime pGLM analyses using the NAL domain.  Early convection had suppressed that hope (excuse the pun) momentarily, but as the day continues, new/re development appears to be likely in the OHX/HUN areas which is advantageous to pGLM ops.

Kevin Manross (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 7-11 June 2010)

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