We begin our first full day with a debrief/discussion from last night’s activities. Dan D., Frank A., Pat S. Andy T. and Dan N. led off with a good discussion focusing on some of the merged grids as well as some discussion on polygon orientation. The participants provided several good suggestions for products and product improvement.
We followed up with a discussion on today’s activities. SPC has outlined a focused area in E KS, and we will plan out operations there. We were hoping to get a good look at the GOES-R products, but there is considerable cirrus limiting the usability of that product in that area. We have cheated out floater domain to provide some overlap to the W where the cirrus are less, and as I type, the UWCI product is lighting up over the TX PH. Also, a TOR watch has been issued for E KS.
Frank and Pat are running through an archive case for GOES-R / pGLM / LMA, while Dan, Dan and Andy are taking a look at the realtime GOES-R products.
We may take a 30 minute dinner break -or- start into MRMS/GOES-R ops (and do dinner in shifts) immediately after the archive case since we are expecting early initiation.
Kevin Manross (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 7-11 June 2010)