Live Blog – 3 June 2009 (8:51 pm) – End of IOP Debrief


  • After this event, need to have the full resolution data.  Smoothed VILMA data did not do any favors for visualization in AWIPS
  • Trends in google earth were very useful until the storms were too far away

PAR Archived Cases (TS Erin and July 11, 2006)

  • Were able to get prods out more quickly
  • Erin event wouldn’t have been much of a problem in JAX or other tropical offices because they are used to those types of signatures and warning for them.  PAR really benefited an event like this with mini supercells in a rapidly changing environment

CASA Archived Cases (Feb 10,2009 and May 7, 2007)

  • warnings without CASAS for May 7 would have been impossible b/c needed full resolution in time and space
  • Couldn’t use CASA without using the 88D because couldn’t see what was happening aloft.  Great detail for the tornado threat
  • Attenuation problem needed to be filled in my 88D

Liz Quoetone and Paul Schlatter (EWP Weekly Coordinators, 1-5 June 2009)

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