Live Blog – 20 May 2009 (7:40 pm) – Watching boundary & storm interactions

The storm of greatest interest continues to be this north-south elongated cell that is straddling the frontal zone as it moves east toward the KLNX radar.  The updrafts have remained near but just behind the leading edge of outflow.  The outflow boundary is overtaking the cold front, and a more notable fine line that represents outflow from other cells farther northeast.  The forecasters have seen one or two small circulations form and dissipate at the boundary intersections.  There is some debate as to whether the high LCLs would allow for non-supercell tornadoes in this situation.  Mike and Matthew have continue to issue severe thunderstorm warnings for this cell.  Other cells to the east have remained non-severe in Les and Rob’s opinions, though they would continue Special Weather Statements.

Patrick Burke (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 18-22 May 2009)

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