Mike and Matthew passed their severe storm off to Rob and Les when it crossed our arbitrary sector boundary at the longitude of KLNX. Rob and Les have continued warnings, and there was some debate as to what hail size should be mentioned in the new warning. The radar presentation had become quite impressive around 8 pm CDT. MESH indicated 2.88 inch diameter hail. Les argued for baseball size hail in the warning. Arthur and Patrick argued for something closer to 2 inch, based on reports (phone calls from the HWT and Local Storm Reports from CYS and LBF) throughout the evening that have been consistently lower than the MESH values. The reports have also indicated very heavy rain. The storm does not have a very impressive mid level mesocyclone, and Les agreed that was a good reason to undercut MESH in the warning. Rob issued the warning, mentioning golf balls. The largest hail reported today has been 1 inch.
Patrick Burke (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 18-22 May 2009)