Outlook – 28 April 2009

Southwesterly flow aloft continues with the broad trough over the western U. S.  Small impulses through the flow are likely for the next few days, with some timing to produce convection in the southern High Plains.  On the surface, a strong upslope pattern is prevelent over eastern NM and SW TX, but as of 1pm, most of the area east of the mountains are socked in with low clouds, fog, and cool temperatures.  There is evidence of the erosion of the low clouds on the west edge, and this trend is expected to continue into the evening.

The SPC DY1 outlook is seen here:

So, we are expecting an IOP for the multi-radar/sensor algorithms for SW TX and SE NM starting around 5pm.  Before that, we will have the forecasters run through several CASA archive cases.

Greg Stumpf (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 27 Apr – 1 May 2009)

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