Outlook – 5 May 2008

There were two areas in consideration today: eastern Carolinas and the high plains from KS to eastern NM. A boundary aligned NW – SE set up from northern OK to near GCK and intersected another boundary going toward LaJunta, CO. The intersection point near GCK initiated a storm. Other storms formed near Springfield, CO and in Woods county, OK. The Woods county storm is starting to look supercellular with a TBSS. The convection in the Carolinas is composed of ordinary cells.

We figure on starting operations for Northern OK and SW KS given the NW-SE boundary intersecting a developing low level jet may keep active convection going for a longer period of time than the departing convection in the Carolinas. There’s also a good possibility that the PAR area may be involved and so the warning forecasters would have an easier time transitioning from gridded warnings to PAR activities.

Jim LaDue (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 5-9 May)

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