New week, new participants, and a very different convective setup compared to last week. Today our forecasters were exposed to all that the EWP has to offer while operating in Wilmington, OH (ILN), Louisville, KY (LMK) and Houston, TX (HGX) ahead of a cold front that spanned from southern Michigan into central Texas. Forecasters quickly spun up on utilizing ProbSevere as a quick diagnostic tool to prioritize which storms to interrogate first. Forecasters were able to establish their first impressions, build procedures, and ask questions on the entire suite of products thrown at them. The established large squall line that dominated most of the country, while not helpful from the CI perspective, gave forecasters the ability to put the various diagnostic tools to work and compare outputs between mature and developing convection.
Overall, another “Day 1” in the books, here’s hoping for some interesting cases this week (fingers crossed and prayers needed).
-Darrel Kingfield, CIMMS/NSSL Research Associate & Week 2 EWP Coordinator