OUN Wrapup

I should have know a busy day was in store for the OUN area when sitting down and already seeing a storm that needed a Tornado Warning. That continued throughout the rest of the day with numerous TOR/SVR warnings issued (at least 30 and probably over 40). With the quick startup, didn’t get much of a chance to look at the GOES LAP data other than a quick overview to start the shift.

With the size of the OUN area, I was jumping back and forth between 3 different radars and a significant distance between areas made for an overwhelming feeling at times during the shift (especially when trying to look at more than just radar). I used the ProbSevere and lightning jump throughout the shift and found them both to be very useful (especially for situational awareness). In most instances, saw both lightning jumps and rapid increase in ProbSevere before the storms really took off. With as busy as things were, I wish I could have looked at the lightning jump data more in real-time. Unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough screen real-estate to overlay another product (I tried to overlay it on radar data with 50% transparency and it was too much).

All in all, a busy but fun day in the OUN area.


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