CYS SVR threat decreasing

The line of storms that has produced a TOR in NE CO and SVRs in our CYS area has shown a slow weakening trend.  Many of these cells are now outside the CO total lightning coverage area so we can not view this.

Of  interest is an area of stronger storms with multiple SVR and TOR form NE CO into the North Platte, NE CWA…


These cells developed in a much more favorable environment…heating into the 60s and 70s today.  Areas under the “old” convection in WY/CO are in the 40s and 50s.

Also of interest:


The deeper Nearcast instability is now mainly centered in NE.   Best threat for further convective development and more strong to severe storms looks like it will be mainly focused just to the east (and to some extent southeast into NE CO) of the CYS CWA for the duration of the afternoon/evening.



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