Cells in Western Kansas are Moisture Starved

The cells which have been trying to initiate since 2 PM have struggled with only weak reflectivity returns noted. There is instability available for convective updrafts and this is noted on the GOES Theta-E Difference on the bottom right panel of the image below. The blue colors signify an unstable airmass. Some other inhibiting factor is preventing these updrafts from further organization. This is most likely due to poor moisture at the present time. The GOES Vertical PW product shows little change of moisture between the low-levels and the mid-levels of the atmosphere in Western Kansas. This is evident by the light pink/purple colors in the product in the upper right panel. As these cells move east over the next 2-3 hours, they will encounter low-level air that has a bit more moisture available as evident by the darker pink/purple colors in the product. This could have an impact on the cells and we could see the storms become better sustained.



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