Outlook – 24 May 2010

Today we start week 7 of the 2010 EWP.  Our visitors are Rod Donavon (Des Moines, IA), John Murray (New York, NY), James Sieveking (St. Louis, MO), and David Zaff (Buffalo, NY).

It’s Monday, that means orientation and training for the new forecasters. However, it is also a very active weather day across the central US. A strong negatively tilted trough is ejecting out from the rockies across the northern plains and storms have formed along the warm front extending NE across the Dakotas into Minnesota and along dryline extending south from Goodland, KS through the TX panhandle.  By the time operations began in the HWT, Tornado and Severe Weather Watches had been issued for the central US extending from the Canadian to the Mexican border.

After GOES-R training by project scientists Wayne Feltz (U.Wisconsin-CIMSS) and Eric Bruning (U.Maryland-CICS), a quick IOP was set up for the forecasters for both the Goodland and Dodge City, KS regions.  The main goal of this 2 hr period is to become familiar with and analyze the new GOES-R products such as Convective Initiation, Cloud-Top Cooling, and Overshooting Top in an integrated real-time environment.

Kristin Kuhlman (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 24-28 May 2010)

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