Live Blog – 29 May 2008 (5:29pm)

Both teams continue to monitor multiple threats (hail and tornado) on multiple storms in northern KS and central NE. Team 1 has transferred a storm to Team 2 as it moves northward out of KS and into NE. Team 2 is monitoring 5 different threat polygons. They are dealing with multiple splits and mergers as storms are catching up with the supercell furtherest east. One of the hail threats just expired and they are having problems choosing which polygon goes which storm… updating every 15 min might prevent this problem to some degree. They currently have about 3 different hail polygons sitting almost on top each other and it is causing quite a few problems in covering the multiple storms. Have decided to just issue a completely new warning, another suggestion would be to label warning output (current threat areas) with name of polygon on screen; this exercise has become a bit of a nightmare in circle management. Storm chasers are reporting power flashes and damage in Kearney, NE for one of the storms Team 2 is working.

Funnel noted on live chaser cam on KS storm Team 1 is working on. They had just previously bumped up the tornado probabilities over 80% for this storm . The county naming convention seems to be working well for this team, although there is debate on whether the name should be changed as the storms move into new counties. After handing off the northern storm to Team 2, Team 1 is now working 2 storms though they beginning analysis on third storm on Gove Co. There are other storms in the general area, however they are leaving these to ‘ghost forecasters’ to handle. They currently are managing 7 different threat areas on the three storms.

Kristin Kuhlman (Gridded Warning Cognizant Scientist)

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