Live Blog – 28 May 2008 (7:48pm)

Operations continue with two teams alternating positions every hr… forecasters seem to appreciate the ease of updating the warnings with this method, though the start-up in its current format is a bit tedious. Can also get confused with multiple warnings on the same storm by highlighting the wrong threat polygon, though hasn’t been a huge issue tonight… Forecasters again would like to see a preview of ProbHail (or other threat) swath before saving it…

Team 1 issuing a lower prob tor warning on storm in northern Chaves Co.; storm in SW Chaves Co has moved out of threat area with lack of attn to storm. New cell has developed to west and the team is debating covering both cells with one warning or beginning new warning on western cell. (Team has joked it would like a “maybe” button on choosing whether a deterministic warning would be issued for this cell, probabilistic warning covers this uncertainty much better).

Team 2 plans on tackling wind threat on storm with HP nature nw of Tucumcari and bringing down probs on tor threat.

Kristin Kuhlman (Gridded Warning Cognizant Scientist)

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