Live Blog – 27 May 2008 (5:40pm)

PAR Temporal Resolution Discussion…

Eric & Kevin are working the Altus storm… and their first look at PAR and 88D side by side has sparked discussion of the differences in resolution and sampling techniques. Kevin would like to see enhanced azimuthal resolution (lower beam width) for PAR in the future. Kevin remarks that the 1-minute update has made it easier to pick up on new cell development along the storm’s rear outflow flank. The forecasters earlier observed a supercell split on the Elk City storm…and felt the rapid updates were beneficial to seeing this.

Eric has another interesting perspective. He thinks the 1-minute resolution might be “annoying” early in an event when you don’t yet have a particular severe weather threat or focus. It may be overwhelming to process so much data. Maybe we should apply the forecast funnel to this… and be able to choose when to switch from 5 or 10 minute resolution down to the 1-minute resolution as needed.

Patrick Burke (EWP Weekly Coordinator, 27-30 May)

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