Flash flooding — the rapid rise of water in a normally dry area — is mostly related to excessive rainfall resulting in significant groundwater runoff and quick rises in waterways. NOAA National Weather Service forecasters rely on accurate quantitative precipitation estimations.
Collaboration with Taiwanese agency foundational to NSSL’s MRMS system
Collaboration is a fundamental aspect of research at NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory and recently a group from Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau and Soil and Water Conservation Bureau visited the lab in Norman, Oklahoma. The…
NSSL Technology Helps the FAA
NSSL has partnered with NOAA’s National Weather Service and the Federal Aviation Administration to develop new tools to improve aviation forecasts.
Gab at the Lab: Jian Zhang
Jian Zhang is the Team Leader of WRDD’s Storm-Scale HydroMET Applications Research & Development Group. Learn more.
Significant Paper: Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Initial Operating Capabilities
This paper provides a comprehensive description of the initial operating capabilities of the MRMS QPE system.
Significant Paper: Using Citizen Science Reports to Evaluate Estimates of Surface Precipitation Type
This is the first paper to comprehensively evaluate the MRMS rain-snow product using mPING crowd-sourced observations.
Significant Paper: Multi-radar Multi-sensor (MRMS) Severe Weather and Aviation Products: Initial Operating Capabilities
Summary of the initial operating capabilities of the MRMS-Severe Weather applications and 3D radar mosaicking capability.
NSSL researchers made the first direct comparisons of MRMS Q3 radar only precipitation estimates with Dual Pol and NCEP Stage II estimates.
Significant Paper: Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Initial Operating Capabilities
Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Initial Operating Capabilities. Authors: Zhang, J., Howard, K., Langston, C., Kaney, B., Qi, Y., Tang, L., Grams, H., Wang, Y., Cocks, S., Martinaitis,…
Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Team To Receive NOAA Silver Medal
One of the highest awards presented within NOAA will be awarded to the NSSL team that developed Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor, a system that helps forecasters manage the flood of weather data available to them. Under Secretary…