The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory has named Dr. Pam Heinselman as its new Deputy Director for Science. She will start her new role on Jan 12, 2025. Dr. Heinselman, who currently serves as the…
The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory has named Dr. Pam Heinselman as its new Deputy Director for Science. She will start her new role on Jan 12, 2025. Dr. Heinselman, who currently serves as the…
The NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory is proud to announce the American Meteorological Society has named Dr. Pam Heinselman a Fellow, recognizing her outstanding contributions to the atmospheric sciences during a substantial period of years.…
The United States Department of Commerce announced on Tuesday that the Forecast Research and Development Division at NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) is a recipient of its highest award, a Gold Medal.
DaNa L. Carlis, Ph.D., a research meteorologist and experienced scientific leader, has been named the director of NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma. He will join the world’s preeminent research institution for…
It’s severe weather season and researchers at the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory are busy taking instruments to the storms, collecting experimental radar data, and collaborating with partners in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed to…
Tony Segalés Espinosa says his love of small-scale aircraft began as a kid, flying model aircraft with his dad. Today, that love transfers into engineering drones for severe weather research.
Based on research with SPC forecasters and research with language experts, a researcher recommended a new SPC risk communication scale model in order to improve weather outreach to Spanish-speaking communities.
The Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society is the largest recurring conference in our field. In January 2021, the 101st AMS took place virtually, but that didn’t stop the experimental Warn-on-Forecast System from taking center stage.
A member of the meteorology community, Leslie “Les” Lemon, passed away in late May. Lemon was an eminent radar meteorologist during his career and saw it as his mission to aid forecasters.
Severe weather researchers focus on more than just storms. They also study how people interpret and react to severe weather warnings.