Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Quantitative Precipitation Estimation: Initial Operating Capabilities. Authors: Zhang, J., Howard, K., Langston, C., Kaney, B., Qi, Y., Tang, L., Grams, H., Wang, Y., Cocks, S., Martinaitis, S., Arthur, A., Cooper, K., Brogden, J., Kitzmiller, D.
Journal: Bulletin of the AMS. Publication Date: Online 8/4/15
Important Conclusions:
The Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) system, operationally implemented at NOAA National Center for Environmental Prediction, integrates radar, surface observations, satellite data, and numerical analysis and prediction and generates an automated, seamless national products suite of severe weather and quantitative precipitation estimate (QPE) products at very high spatial (1 km) and temporal (2 min update cycle) resolution. The MRMS products are used in operations and research for model assimilation, flash flood monitoring and prediction, and hazardous weather warnings. The MRMS products are provided to users from government agencies, universities, research institutions, and the private sector and have been utilized in numerous meteorological, aviation, and hydrological applications.
This paper provides a comprehensive description of the operating capabilities and improvements of the MRMS system QPE product suite and would be beneficial to the users of MRMS QPE products. This is also a follow-up to a previous BAMS paper by Zhang et al. 2011 on the National Mosaic and Multi-sensor QPE system (in the Oct. 2011 issues of BAMS).