NSSL’s website has been updated with a new look and fresh content. Check it out at nssl.noaa.gov!
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NSSL’s website has been updated with a new look and fresh content. Check it out at nssl.noaa.gov!
A catastrophic flood event threatened the ancient Roman aqueduct bridge Pont du Gard in southern France in September 2002. The HyMex Experiment could help local officials in the Mediterranean region improve forecasts and warnings of flash floods. (Credit: Cévennes Vivarais Mediterranean Hydro-meteorological Observatory)
NSSL’s Harold Brooks posted about “The Tornado “Drought” of 2012 on the U.S. Severe Weather Blog. Read about it here: http://www.norman.noaa.gov/2012/08/the-tornado-drought-of-2012/
The sun rises on the Rocky Mountains as the eclipsed moon sets on December 10, 2011.
NSSL/CIMMS Sean Waugh got up early during his week at the San Francisco Exploratorium to capture the Golden Gate Bridge towers rising through the fog.
NSSL’s Sean Waugh rides out Hurricane Irene in a mobile mesonet vehicle in Morehead City, NC. His goal was to collect weather data on Hurricane Irene as it passed overhead and also test a new instrument he designed, tested and built with NSSL’s Sherman Frederickson.
A wall of dirt engulfs the Phoenix metro area for the second time in July, 2011.
Rotation tracks of the storms in southeast Kansas and southwest Missouri on May 22, 2011 produced by NSSL’s WDSS-II: On Demand system. Brighter reds and yellows show stronger rotation.