A team from the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) is in Norman, Okla., to work with NSSL’s National Mosaic and multi-sensor Quantitative precipitation estimation (NMQ) system.
Tag: Issue: September/October 2011
NSSL partners with San Francisco’s Exploratorium
A team from NSSL spent a week at the world-renowned San Francisco Exploratorium to work with staff as part of the NOAA Scientist in Residence program.
Meteorological Technology World Expo to feature NSSL researcher
NSSL’s Kurt Hondl will be a featured speaker at the first Meteorological Technology World Expo.
Eye to eye with Irene
NSSL’s Sean Waugh rides out Hurricane Irene in a mobile mesonet vehicle in Morehead City, NC. His goal was to collect weather data on Hurricane Irene as it passed overhead and also test a new instrument he designed, tested and built with NSSL’s Sherman Frederickson.
NSSL/CIMMS researchers to present at international symposium
NSSL/CIMMS researchers will be presenting at the 2nd International Symposium on Earth-science Challenges (ISEC) at the National Weather Center (NWC) in Norman, Okla. on September 14-16, 2011.
CI-FLOW produced accurate total water level predictions from Irene
The Coastal and Inland Flooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) project began producing real-time 84-hour simulations of total water level in coastal North Carolina from Hurricane Irene on Tuesday, August 23.