The 2015 Multi-Radar / Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Hydro Experiment aimed to improve the accuracy, timing, and specificity of flash flood watches and warnings.
The 2015 Multi-Radar / Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Hydro Experiment aimed to improve the accuracy, timing, and specificity of flash flood watches and warnings.
Recent flooding in Texas and Oklahoma tested NSSL’s experimental Multiple Radar Multiple Sensor (MRMS) Flooded Locations and Simulated Hydrograph (MRMS-FLASH) system.
NOAA scientists are staying up late to probe nighttime thunderstorms. Learn more about Plains Elevated Convection at Night, a field campaign to collect data in the western Great Plains.
NSSL scientists will participate in the annual meeting of the International Society on Atmospheric Research using Remotely-piloted Aircraft (ISARRA) in Norman, Oklahoma, May 20 to 22 to share knowledge about using these aircraft systems to observe and monitor the atmosphere.
Experiments designed to improve National Weather Service severe weather forecasts will be conducted in the 2015 Spring Forecasting Experiment from May 4 through June 5, part of the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Experimental Forecast…
Several experiments to improve National Weather Service severe weather warnings will be conducted this spring in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) as part of the annual Experimental Warning Program.
Significant Papers reported to HQ for the week ending April 17. The links to each are in blue. 1. Carlin, J. 2015. Weather radar polarimetry: Dual-pol radar promises to improve the modeling of convective storms.…
An NSSL/CIMMS and TTU team pushed hard to get lightning products functional for potential severe weather on April 16 and were successful.
Kristin Calhoun (NSSL/CIMMS) will give an invited webinar to National Weather Service meteorologists and hydrologists on April 1, 2015, about current lightning prediction products in research and development at NSSL.
Early online release 1/13/15 Journal: Weather and Forecasting Impacts of Phased Array Radar Data on Forecaster Performance during Severe Hail and Wind Events Katie A. Bowden, Pamela L. Heinselman, Darrel M. Kingfield, and Rick P.…