Researchers evaluating lightning data in Hazardous Weather Testbed

For the first time ever, lightning data from a weather satellite is available and being evaluated in the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed. Forecasters, researchers, product developers and broadcast journalists are analyzing recently available experimental data…

Award winner to present NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed work on improving severe weather forecasts

NSSL research meteorologist Adam Clark will present his work on improving severe weather forecasts during NOAA Science Days in June. Clark, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers 2014 winner, is presenting on…

Field project begins to improve thunderstorm prediction

Today, researchers launched the Mesoscale Predictability EXperiment (MPEX) field project to collect data on pre-storm and post-storm environments in an effort to better predict where and when thunderstorms will form. MPEX runs from May 15 – June 15, and is funded by the National Science Foundation.